
Welcome to Preschool Kiddos!!!!

Welcome to School!

We had a FANTASTIC first week of school!  Our theme for this last week was "Welcome to School"! We had fun getting to know each other and getting familiar with our classroom!  :D  Here is what we did this week!

Wednesday:  We had a treasure hunt for puzzle pieces that led us around every nook and cranny of school so we would know where everything was and what we do in the different parts of our School!  It feels good to be familiar with our environment!  We decorated preschool bags with markers and even our OWN handprints! :D  We also got to do a "crayon rub" to make our names appear on paper! :D

Letter of the Day: A
Number of the Day: 1
Shape of the Day: Circle
Color of the Day: Green
Spanish Word of the Day: Hola (Hello)

Friday:  We started off the day by making a "Welcome" sign to hang up in our classroom!  The kids loved being a part of decorating their space! :D  We painted ladybug picture frames to hang on our classroom wall!  We will finish them up next Monday so be on the lookout for your child's cute face hanging on our wall!  We learned about the number "2" and got to color a number two worksheet! We are learning how to write our names on our papers with help!  You can help your child practice writing their name at home too! During dramatic play the children pretended that our clubhouse was a school and they took turns being "teacher" and "student"!  We also got to "B"ake some "B"read today as we learned about the letter "B"!

Letter of the Day: B
Number of the Day: 2 (worksheet)
Shape of the Day: Square (square crackers and cheese and granola bars cut into squares for snack)
Color of the Day: Red (ladybugs etc.)
Spanish Word of the Day: Si (yes)